Memihak kayu tradisional untuk rumah Anda akan selalu menjadi pilihan pilihan dalam pemasangan papan. Namun, Anda memerlukan kontraktor berpihak pada kanan untuk membantu Anda memilih tampilan kayu terbaik dengan perawatan berpihak paling sedikit. Ada banyak jenis papan kayu yang dibuat dengan menggunakan bahan kayu sub-par. Jangan biarkan nexthellip Anda Baca lebih lanjut Layanan atap profesional dan perbaikan atap dengan harga terjangkau Jika Anda mengalami masalah kebocoran di atap, jangan menunggu untuk menghubungi kontraktor atap. Kebocoran atap yang berkepanjangan nampaknya tidak berbahaya pada awalnya, namun bisa berubah menjadi masalah serius dengan cepat. Setelah kebocoran atap yang terus-menerus dapat menyebabkan pertumbuhan jamur, langit-langit yang rusak, perabotan. Hubungi kami hari ini jika Anda membutuhkan lonceng Read More Saat mencoba mengurangi tagihan pemanas rumah Anda, tidak ada cara yang lebih baik untuk menghemat uang daripada memasang jendela vinyl atau penggantian kayu baru. Yang terpenting, dengan potongan pajak federal baru sampai 1.500 tidak ada alasan untuk tidak melakukannya. Memiliki dek yang indah akan selalu memiliki hasil positif pada nilai properti Anda. Menambahkan dek adalah cara murah untuk memperluas ruang hidup Anda. Biaya rata-rata untuk membangun sebuah dek kira-kira 7.000 dan menghasilkan pengembalian sekitar 15.000 saat menjual rumah Anda tidak terlalu buruk. Jadi pertimbangkan untuk memiliki yang lebih baik. Baca lebih lanjut Memilih kontraktor berpihak benar sangat penting dalam pemasangan papan. Apakah itu memasang vinyl berpihak pada berpihak atau benar-benar menghapus berpihak Anda saat ini untuk berpihak baru. Memiliki kontraktor berpihak profesional yang bisa memberi Anda solusi terbaik untuk pemasangan papan paling halus akan menghemat banyak sakit kepala, waktu dan tenaga kerja. Baca Karya Yang Lebih Baik Mike dan awak pekerja memasang papan vinyl dan jendela baru untuk kita. Mereka ada di sini dari awal sampai akhir seperti yang dijanjikan dan menuntunku melalui pertanyaan yang aku punya tanpa ragu-ragu. Mereka melakukan pekerjaan yang sangat baik dan saya akan merujuk mereka kepada siapapun. Terima kasih Mike, semoga sukses mdash Scott, Wakefield, MA MBM Construction diberi nilai 5 5 berdasarkan 3 ulasan. Menemukan Kontraktor Tepat Seharusnya Menyakitkan Melakukan perbaikan rumah yang tepat atau proyek renovasi dapat menambahkan nilai sebenarnya ke jenis rumah apa pun, jika dilakukan dengan benar dan efisien oleh profesional yang diberi lisensi dan Tertanggung. Menggunakan bahan berkualitas tinggi yang hemat energi, menarik dan yang terpenting, bisa diandalkan seperti low vinyl vinyl berpihak. Penggantian jendela Atap sirap dan geladak khusus akan menambah nilai nyata. Dalam kebanyakan kasus, Anda dapat mengharapkan dan segera mengembalikan investasi Anda setelah perbaikan rumah dilakukan. Pilihlah kontraktor yang akan menyelesaikan pekerjaan, memandu Anda melewati setiap langkah proyek dari awal sampai akhir tanpa tambahan tersembunyi. Layanan perbaikan rumah kami telah memberi kami keunggulan di atas perusahaan remodeling rumah lainnya. Menjadi salah satu daerah penyedia layanan papan atas di dinding, atap, jendela pengganti, dan penambahan ruangan. Memberi kita daya beli yang besar melalui pemasok kita dan sebagai gantinya, bisa memberikan penghematan kepada Anda. Jadi mengapa memilih kita sebagai kontraktor renovasi rumah Anda Kami mendengarkan kebutuhan Anda. Kami tidak menggunakan penjualan dengan tekanan tinggi, atau mencoba menjual sesuatu yang tidak Anda inginkan atau inginkan. Komunikasi adalah kunci untuk semua jenis proyek remodeling dan kami ingin proyek Anda mendapatkan hasil terbaik. Anda akan mendapatkan perkiraan waktu penyelesaian proyek yang terperinci - tanpa sakit kepala Anda juga akan mendapatkan salah satu jaminan terbaik dalam bisnis perbaikan rumah, jika Anda perlu menggunakannya. Apa Jenis Layanan Perbaikan Rumah yang Anda Cari Memilih kontraktor atap yang akan bekerja untuk kepentingan terbaik Anda dan bukan pada berapa banyak keuntungan yang dapat dia hasilkan dengan memotong sudut. Sebagai kontraktor atap, kami percaya dengan menggunakan atap terbaik untuk atap rumah dan underlayment untuk memberi ketenangan pada klien kami. Untuk info lebih lanjut tentang layanan atap, kunjungi: atap datar komersial atau atap rumah Tidak semua vinil dan papan kayu sama. Pilihlah kontraktor berpihak profesional yang akan membantu Anda memahami jenis pemutaran vinyl apa yang harus dihindari, dan apa yang akan memberi Anda kemenangan terbaik untuk uang Anda dalam jangka panjang. Dari dek bertekanan bertekanan standar, dek mahoni, atau dek komposit - membuat Anda tertutup. Baca lebih lanjut tentang Deck dan Porches Deck buildersThe McClellan Oscillator, Summation Index, pengukuran volatilitas, CCI, Chande Momentum Oscillator. Indikator Aliran Uang Chaiken, Chaiken`s AdvanceDecline Oscillator, MACD, spread suku bunga, stochastic oscillator, dan grafik perak amp emas dan penjelasan mereka sekarang ada di halaman ini. Semua indikator dapat ditinjau hanya dengan menggulir ke bawah halaman ini. Pemberitahuan: Kami sebelumnya mendesak semua peserta pelatihan untuk belajar membaca grafik indikator di bagian bawah halaman ini. Mereka diperbarui setiap hari. Sekarang kami mendesak semua pelanggan untuk melakukan hal yang sama. Gunakan grafik untuk melakukan review pasar kuotot Anda setiap hari. Komentar media quotgurusquot memiliki distorsi dan bias (selain waktu yang sangat buruk) yang akan menyebabkan Anda membuat kesalahan keputusan jika Anda mengambil apa yang mereka katakan pada nilai nominal. Grafik adalah alat yang sangat penting dimana seseorang dapat memperoleh wawasan yang bisa sangat membantu baik bagi trader jangka pendek maupun investor jangka panjang. Kami juga menyarankan agar Anda meninjau penjelasan secara berkala sehingga pemahaman Anda akan instan saat melihat grafik. Catatan untuk pengunjung: Kami tidak menerima trainee baru. Gunakan quotDirectoryquot untuk melihat apa lagi yang ada di situs ini. Direktori 1. Daftar harian persediaan momentum tinggi gratis ada di Daftar Momentum 2. Daftar saham harian gratis dengan Saham Rasio Kekuatan Relatif Tinggi Tinggi 3. Daftar saham gratis dengan lonjakan volume ada pada Volume Surges 5. Free interactive Stock charting ada di Charts. Lihat bagaimana kami menggunakan quotsetupsquot untuk memaksimalkan potensi keuntungan kami dengan laporan pemindai kami Waktu Di New York Waktu Di California Indeks SampP500 dan Indeks Komposit Nasdaq Dengan R. C. Allen MAs Klik di sini dan gulir ke bawah untuk tipe biru untuk penjelasan Green 4-day MA, MA 9 hari Biru, MA 18 hari merah, MA 50 hari MA Industri Hitam Rata-rata (2 Hari pada Interval 5 Menit) Biru Line adalah level pembuka. Pada grafik di atas kita telah menempatkan garis biru horizontal pada tingkat pembukaan. Juga, kita telah memasukkan garis merah kecil pada titik tengah rentang perdagangan untuk setiap hari. Tekan tombol Ctrl dan tombol untuk memperbesar (atau - untuk mengurangi). Klik dan Pergi ke Butir 14 Untuk Melihat Mengapa Dow Penting untuk Indikator dan Analisis Bagan Harian Rata-rata Industri Dow Jones Analisis Gerakan Jangka Pendek Green 4 hari MA, MA 9 hari Biru, MA 18 hari MA Kami Memutuskan akan informatif untuk ditunjukkan di sini RC Sistem Allen Peringatan quotagenquot terjadi saat MA 4 hari (hijau) berada di atas MA 9 hari (biru). Sinyal quotbuyquot sebenarnya terjadi saat MA 9 hari melintasi MA 18 hari (merah) sedangkan MA 4 hari masih di atas MA 9 hari. Jika MA 4 hari tidak berada di atas MA 9 hari, tidak ada sinyal sampai melintasi kembali MA 9 hari. Sinyal terjadi hanya jika semua moving averages sejajar dengan benar. Kondisi sebaliknya menghasilkan sinyal quotDNquot dan sinyal quotSellquot. Silakan gunakan quotR. C. Tab Allen Alertsquot di sebelah kiri layar Anda untuk penjelasan lebih lengkap tentang sistem. Bagan ini hanya menunjukkan beberapa bulan sehingga Anda dapat lebih mudah melihat detail tindakan terkini dan pandangan yang lebih jelas tentang keberpihakan rata-rata bergerak. Di bagian atas halaman ini Dow ditampilkan pada rentang waktu yang lebih besar. Diperbarui setelah tutup pada hari Jumat, 22417 - Saham stabil hampir di atas tingkat pembukaan (tapi di bawah penutupan kemarin), kemudian rally dalam 40 menit terakhir. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 9,1 poin menjadi ditutup pada 20.819,84 (mengatasi penurunan Goldman Sachs, J. P. Morgan Chase, Exxon Mobil, dan Chevron). Ada kekhawatiran di antara beberapa pasar yang mulai lelah dan kami kehilangan momentum. Sampling 500 naik 3,4 poin menjadi ditutup pada rekor 2.367,28. Nasdaq Composite naik 9,8 poin menjadi ditutup pada 5.845,31. Sembilan dari sebelas sektor SampP 500 ditutup menguat (saham finansial kehilangan 0,8 dan saham energi turun 0,9). Survei sentimen konsumen University of Michigans menunjukkan bahwa sentimen konsumen turun dari level tertinggi 13 tahun di bulan Februari, sementara penjualan rumah baru membukukan rebound yang kuat di bulan Januari. Penjualan rumah baru melonjak 3,7 menjadi 555.000 di bulan Januari. Hasil pada catatan Treasury 10-tahun turun 7,1 basis poin pada hari Jumat dan 10,8 basis poin minggu ini, berakhir pada 2.317. Hasil pada catatan dua tahun tersebut turun 4,8 basis poin pada hari Jumat, dan 5,3 basis poin minggu ini, berakhir pada 1,145. Hasil pada obligasi 30-tahun turun 7,0 basis poin pada hari Jumat, dan 7,7 basis poin minggu ini, berakhir pada 2.953. Indeks ICE A. S. naik sedikit ke 101.12 akhir Jumat di New York. Indeks Dolar WSJ naik 0,1 menjadi 90,88. Menteri Keuangan Steven Mnuchin mengatakan bahwa pemerintah akan menerapkan rencana kebijakan pajaknya pada bulan Agustus. Dalam beberapa menit baru-baru ini dirilis, pejabat Fed tampak agak enggan untuk menaikkan suku bunga daripada pada beberapa ucapan terakhir dari Ketua Fed Janet Yellen dan pejabat Fed lainnya. Sampr 500 turun ke level terendah 2352,87. Ada sedikit dukungan pada 2350. Rata-rata pergerakan 9 hari juga memberikan sedikit dukungan di 2352.53. The SampP 500 rally dalam 40 menit terakhir untuk menutup dengan keuntungan kecil dari penutupan kemarin. Dow secara mengejutkan menguat pada akhir pekan. Itu memberitahu kita bahwa investor tidak terlalu khawatir dengan pasar yang terlalu tinggi. Jika tidak, akan ada lebih banyak penjualan untuk mengurangi eksposur risiko. Ini tidak berarti tidak akan ada downside tambahan pada hari Senin (penurunan ke moving average biru di grafik di atas tidak akan menjadi masalah perhatian). Namun, ini menyiratkan bahwa penjualan apa pun cenderung sederhana, kecuali berita negatif selama akhir pekan. Tanpa berita negatif, probabilitasnya masih mendukung tingkat yang lebih tinggi. Diperbarui setelah tutup pada Thu, 22317 - Industri Dow pada hari Kamis mencapai rekor tertinggi ke-10 berturut-turut. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 34,72 poin ke rekor 20,810.32 (dengan petugas kesehatan, Pfizer, dan Johnson amp Johnson memimpin). The SampP 500 naik 0,99 poin menjadi ditutup pada 2.363,81 (dengan saham utilitas dan telekomunikasi mendorongnya lebih tinggi dan sektor industri dan sektor konsumen-discretionary menahannya). Indeks Nasdaq Composite turun 25,12 poin menjadi ditutup pada 5.835,51 (terseret oleh Nvidia, Tesla, dan teknologi yang dipilih pada umumnya. The Fed yang dirilis pada hari Rabu mengindikasikan bahwa beberapa peserta mengatakan bahwa kenaikan harga saham mungkin merupakan hasil dari kebijakan yang tidak realistis. Ekspektasi Juga, beberapa pejabat Fed khawatir bahwa volatilitas pasar yang rendah tampak tidak konsisten dengan ketidakpastian kebijakan. Dolar, yang diukur oleh Indeks Dolar AS ICE turun setelah beberapa menit dirilis dan imbal hasil pada catatan Treasury 10 tahun turun menjadi 2,416, Menteri Keuangan Steven Mnuchin mengatakan bahwa rencana untuk merombak kebijakan pajak mungkin tidak akan terjadi sampai Agustus. Dia juga mengatakan bahwa rencana untuk mendorong tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi AS menjadi 3 dari 1,8, mungkin memerlukan waktu satu atau dua tahun. Hari yang lalu kami mengatakan bahwa garis hitam yang melonjak naik tepat di atas Dow cenderung menekan beberapa kegembiraan, namun ada ruang bagi Dow untuk terus naik di sepanjang u. Nderside dari garis itu Itulah yang kita lihat sekarang. Setelah mencapai garis itu, Dow tidak mengalami hari-hari lonjakan besar. Dekat di atas garis akan menjadi cerminan kekuatan yang tidak biasa. Karena besok adalah hari Jumat, beberapa pedagang akan merasakan insentif untuk menjual guna mengurangi eksposur risiko (karena takut ada berita negatif akhir pekan ini). Jika pasar kembali positif pada hari Jumat, itu akan menjadi tanda sambutan bahwa investor belum gelisah tentang kemungkinan kejutan berita negatif. Seimbang, kecuali berita negatif, kemungkinan masih mendukung pergerakan di sepanjang garis tren kenaikan itu. Pasar sangat sensitif terhadap kejadian berita, jadi perhatikan bagaimana pasar berperilaku relatif terhadap Tingkat Intraday Kunci (lihat di bawah) dan untuk menahan kerugian stop yang ketat. Diperbarui setelah tutup pada Rabu, 22217 - Menurut data Dow Jones, Dow pada hari Rabu menghasilkan keuntungan kecil, menyelesaikan rekor terbaik dalam 30 tahun. Rata-rata pergerakan Dows 50 hari berada jauh di atas rata-rata pergerakan 200 hari (1.314,40 poin) seperti yang terjadi hampir 18 tahun. Indeks SampP 500 turun 2,56 poin menjadi ditutup di level 2.362,82. Indeks Nasdaq Composite turun 5,32 poin menjadi ditutup pada 5.860,63. Harga minyak mentah pada hari Rabu turun karena kekhawatiran meningkat mengenai produksi oleh produsen yang tidak setuju untuk menutup produksi. Pengebor A. S. menambahkan delapan rig minyak dalam pekan yang berakhir 10 Februari. Perdagangan minyak mentah West Texas Intermediate di New York Mercantile Exchange untuk pengiriman April turun 74 sen menjadi menetap di 53,59 per barel. April Minyak mentah Brent di Londons ICE Futures exchange diperdagangkan turun 82 sen menjadi ditutup pada 55,84 per barel. Pasar minyak mentah telah cemas dengan meningkatnya produksi produsen minyak serpih A. S. dan Rusia. Indeks Dolar WSJ turun 0,3 di 91,02. Indeks Dolar Amerika Serikat turun 0,2 menjadi 101,23. Secara umum, telah berada dalam tren kenaikan akhir-akhir ini, setelah naik 0,3 sejauh minggu ini dan 1,7 untuk bulan Februari. Kami mencatat bahwa SampP 500 berhenti sejenak hari ini, tapi tidak memulai pembalikan. Dow maju untuk membuat yang lain tinggi. Meskipun Indeks Komposit Nasdaq turun hari ini, rendahnya kisaran hari ini berada di atas kisaran terendah kemarin. Dengan kata lain, Indeks ini juga berhenti hari ini. Tanpa acara berita negatif, kemungkinannya menguntungkan hari positif lainnya besok. Namun, pasar sangat sensitif terhadap kejadian berita, jadi penting untuk memantau Tingkat Intraday Kunci (lihat di bawah) dan untuk menahan kerugian stop di tempat. Pendekatan itu akan memungkinkan Anda untuk berpartisipasi dalam pergerakan ke sisi atas sambil meminimalkan kerugian jika pasar berbalik. Diperbarui setelah tutup pada sel, 22117 - Saham ditutup di dekat puncak sesi mereka. Semua 11 dari sektor SampP 500 naik hari ini. Dow Jones Industrial Average naik 118,95 poin, ke rekor 20,743.00 (Toko Wal-Mart dan UnitedHealth Group adalah pemimpin). Indeks SampP 500 naik 14,22 poin menjadi berakhir pada 2.365,38 (pemimpin termasuk real estat, utilitas, konsumen dan energi). Indeks Nasdaq Composite naik 27,37 poin menjadi ditutup pada 5.865,95. Meskipun banyak janji Trumps dapat diperhitungkan dalam harga saat ini, penyingkapan perubahan pada kebijakan pajak, perdagangan, dan deregulasi akan menjadi bahan bakar yang kemungkinan akan menopang tren kenaikan saat ini untuk beberapa lama. Dengan kata lain, tren positif baru-baru ini belum berakhir. Data ekonomi membaik, pertumbuhan global semakin cepat, ada peningkatan merger dan akuisisi, dan ada optimisme kuat di pasar. Hasil Treasury selesai sedikit lebih tinggi pada hari Selasa, namun mundur saat sebuah jajak pendapat baru menunjukkan prospek Marine Le Pens melebar saat pemilihan presiden Prancis yang akan datang semakin dekat. Marine Le Pen adalah kandidat anti-imigrasi dan konservatif yang mendapatkan momentum untuk menjadi presiden Prancis berikutnya. Ketakutannya adalah bahwa pemilihan di Prancis mencerminkan pergerakan populis yang meningkat yang dapat menyebabkan beberapa negara meninggalkan blok perdagangan Europes, yang mengakibatkan destabilisasi zona euro dan euro. Hasil pada catatan Treasury 10-tahun naik 0,4 basis poin menjadi 2,429. Hasil pada catatan Treasury dua tahun naik 0,9 basis poin menjadi 1,207. Hasil pada obligasi 30-tahun naik 0,7 basis poin menjadi 3,037. Pandangan kita bahwa pasar akan kembali bangkit besok. Garis hitam putus-putus yang naik tepat di atas Dow cenderung menekan beberapa kegembiraan, namun ada ruang bagi Dow untuk terus naik di sepanjang garis bawah garis itu. Dekat di atas garis akan menjadi cerminan kekuatan yang tidak biasa, mengingat seberapa jauh pasar telah tiba. Kita akan melihat peristiwa seperti ini karena mengindikasikan pasar belum siap untuk memulai periode konsolidasi. Diperbarui setelah tutup pada Jum, 21717 - Apakah Associated Press bersalah karena menerbitkan berita palsu Sekretaris Pers Gedung Putih Sean Spicer mengatakan sebuah laporan oleh Associated Press bahwa Presiden Trump sedang mempertimbangkan untuk menggunakan Garda Nasional untuk mengumpulkan imigran gelap tidak palsu. Itu 100 persen tidak benar. Itu salah Spicer mengatakan bahwa AP melaporkan bahwa Trump dapat memanggil sebanyak 100.000 tentara yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Spicer mengatakan bahwa dia tidak memiliki informasi tentang asal usul laporan tersebut. Gillian Christensen, sekretaris pers sekretaris Departemen Keamanan Dalam Negeri, mengatakan Departemen tersebut tidak mempertimbangkan untuk memobilisasi Garda Nasional. Garda Nasional mengatakan bahwa mereka tidak melihat proposal semacam itu. Petugas Departemen Keamanan Dalam Negeri yang bersikeras bahwa dia tidak dapat diidentifikasi mengatakan ada sebuah memo yang hanya merupakan gagasan awal yang tidak pernah dipertimbangkan secara serius. Data EPFR Global menunjukkan bahwa reksadana saham biasa hanya memiliki arus masuk mingguan pertama sejak Maret tahun lalu. Hal ini menunjukkan meningkatnya kepercayaan investor dan partisipasi di sisi pembelian pasar. Indeks SampP 500 sekarang sekitar 10 lebih tinggi dari pada saat hari pemilihan. Menurut data Dow Jones, kinerja Dows merupakan keuntungan terbaik keenam dalam sejarah (untuk 30 hari pertama masa jabatan presiden), dan penampilan terbaik keempat untuk presiden pertama. Imbal hasil A. S. Treasury turun pada hari Jumat, memperpanjang penurunan bulan-to-date mereka. Hasil pada catatan Treasury 10-tahun turun 3,1 basis poin menjadi 2,42. Catatan dua tahun turun 2 basis poin menjadi 1,19. Imbal hasil 30-tahun turun 2 basis poin ke 3,03. Pandangan pada komentar kami sebelumnya akan mengkonfirmasi bahwa selama beberapa hari sekarang kami telah mengatakan bahwa Dow cenderung melakukan konsolidasi segera, dan khususnya, kemungkinan besar akan melakukannya saat menghadapi hambatan dari garis resistance yang turun (naik) dari garis putus-putus. Kemarin, saat mendekati garis itu, ia menghadapi penolakan pada 20.639 dan kemudian mundur sedikit. Hari ini, tinggi dan rendahnya hari ini lebih rendah dari yang tinggi dan rendah kemarin. Penarikan mundur sedikit ini telah memberi Dow headroom lebih untuk kemungkinan up-move pada hari Selasa. Namun, skenario probabilitas tertinggi adalah Dow akan melayang ke samping atau menurunkan tingkat rendah. Kurangnya kejelasan di sini adalah karena akhir pekan 3 hari dan apa yang kemungkinan akan berubah menjadi hari volume rendah pada hari Selasa. Banyak yang bisa terjadi dalam 3 hari yang bisa menggerakkan pasar ke kedua arah. Stochastic oscillator dan CMO untuk NYSE telah, dan masih berada di wilayah jenuh beli. Karena itu masih ada ruang untuk melepas beberapa kegembiraan yang berlebihan. Namun, saat ini, Indikator Bias Pasar menunjukkan konfigurasi bullish di pasar dengan bias positif. Kami akan menunggu untuk melihat apa indikasi pada hari Selasa pagi. Diperbarui setelah tutup pada hari Kamis, 21617 - Saham energi membebani pasar hari ini. Dow industrials adalah satu-satunya indeks yang mencapai rekor tertinggi lainnya pada penutupan (dengan keuntungan dari Cisco Systems dan Coca-Cola diimbangi oleh kerugian di ExxonMobil dan Chevron). Indeks SampP 500 ditutup turun 2,03 poin, dan Nasdaq Composite ditutup turun 4,54 poin, mengakhiri streak penutupan rekor tertinggi. Menurut alat FedWatch Kelompok CME, pasar mengasumsikan ada 22 kemungkinan kenaikan suku bunga di bulan Maret. Tingkat indeks ketakutan meningkat, mungkin karena kenaikan ekspektasi kenaikan suku bunga, namun ada potensi penyebab lainnya. Pengukur VIX berasal dari harga opsi SampP 500 30 hari kedepan, dan biasanya digunakan sebagai pengukuran volatilitas tersirat. Semakin rendah VIX, semakin rendah permintaan dari investor yang ingin membeli proteksi. Tingkat arus VIX saat ini masih di bawah rata-rata historisnya 20 dan hanya sekitar 12, mengindikasikan ketidakseimbangan. Munculnya VIX mungkin hanya merupakan artefak bacaan yang sangat rendah (karena memang tidak banyak yang bisa memberi pembacaan yang sangat rendah sedikit mengangkat). Ini mungkin juga mencerminkan langkah hati-hati yang diambil oleh beberapa investor yang bertindak untuk melakukan lindung nilai atas investasi mereka. Lihat lebih lanjut tentang VIX di dekat bagian bawah halaman ini. Trump mengumumkan bahwa penggantian yang diusulkan ke Undang-Undang Perawatan Terjangkau akan terjadi pada bulan Maret dan bahwa usulan reformasi pajak akan datang kemudian. Lihatlah tabel di bawah ini tentang Chande Momentum Oscillator. Pembacaan ekstrem dimulai pada 50. Pada usia 50, momentum up-day tiga kali momentum turun. Dow saat ini berada di 86,98, Indeks Nasdaq Composite berada di 92,01, dan SampP 500 berada di 82,81. Bacaan seperti ini sering terjadi sesaat sebelum pembalikan. Tidak perlu pembalikan terjadi saat ini, karena pembacaan seperti ini dapat berlanjut selama berminggu-minggu dan secara teoritis selama berbulan-bulan sebelum peristiwa pembalikan. Adalah bijaksana untuk diingat bahwa koreksi teknis dapat terjadi kapan saja, mungkin dipicu oleh sebuah acara berita. Namun, pada saat bersamaan, momentum sangat kuat, dan akan cenderung bertahan karena sifatnya. Meskipun demikian, perlu diingat bahwa ini adalah pembacaan yang ekstrem. Perhatikan juga bahwa osilator stokastik memberikan pembacaan overbought. Pembacaan 70 atau lebih adalah overbought dan pembacaan 30 atau kurang adalah oversold. Dow berada di 98.81, Nasdaq Composite Index berada di 96,73, dan SampP 500 berada di 97,43. Sinyal jual akan terjadi bila pembacaan ini menurun sampai di bawah level 70. Tinjau tabel, grafik, dan interpretasi di bawah ini. Anda akan melihat bahwa pasar berada di wilayah jenuh beli. Ini adalah pertimbangan teknis semata. Semua itu berarti bahwa kemungkinan pullback segera meningkat. Ini tidak ada hubungannya dengan valuasi. Kami puas bahwa pasar memiliki probabilitas tinggi untuk pergi jauh lebih tinggi sebelum bereaksi terhadap hal yang terlalu mahal. Pikirkan trampolin. Ketika seseorang mendarat di permukaan itu membentang di bawah frame. Lalu ia kembali. Saham menyerap begitu banyak pembelian, kemudian mereka berkonsolidasi. Ini adalah cara saham mencerna bergerak. Kemudian siklusnya berulang. Penarikan mundur teknis terjadi saat pedagang memperoleh keuntungan dan takut kehilangannya. Mereka mengunci mereka dengan menjual (mencoba mengalahkan penjual potensial lainnya dengan pukulan). Itu mendorong harga turun. Kemudian para pedagang yang menjual bisa memutuskan untuk membeli saham yang sama itu lagi dengan harga lebih rendah atau beralih ke saham lain. Diperbarui setelah tutup pada Wed, 21517 - Janet Yellen memberi penjelasan kepada investor mengenai antusiasme baru-baru ini mengenai ekuitas dalam kesaksiannya di hadapan Komite Jasa Keuangan DPR. Menurut saya, pelaku pasar kemungkinan mengantisipasi pergeseran dalam kebijakan fiskal yang akan merangsang pertumbuhan dan mungkin meningkatkan pendapatan, Harapannya adalah Presiden Donald Trump akan memberlakukan sejumlah kebijakan pro-bisnis, termasuk melonggarnya peraturan bank, meningkatkan pengeluaran fiskal, dan pemotongan Pajak perorangan dan perusahaan. Bahkan Yellens menduga bahwa mungkin ada kenaikan suku bunga di bulan Maret yang tidak memperlambat pasar ini. Nasdaq yang bergelombang ini hampir menyelesaikan rekor kemenangan terpanjang sejak 1999. Menurut Administrasi Informasi Energi, persediaan minyak mentah A. S. telah meningkat ke tingkat tertinggi mingguan yang tercatat. Impor minyak yang kuat (selama empat minggu terakhir, mereka telah naik 9,9), pengeluaran perusahaan eksplorasi dan produksi yang lebih tinggi, dan perlambatan permintaan semuanya berhasil meningkatkan persediaan. Faktor-faktor ini telah digabungkan untuk meningkatkan total stok minyak mentah komersial menjadi 518,1 juta barel untuk pekan yang berakhir 10 Februari. Kenaikan persediaan minyak mentah dapat dikaitkan terutama dengan peningkatan pengeboran domestik karena membaiknya ekonomi untuk produksi dalam negeri. AMDAL memperkirakan bahwa lebih dari setengah produksi A. S. berasal dari minyak serpih. Sebuah laporan bulanan yang dirilis Senin menunjukkan harapan untuk kenaikan bulanan sebesar 80.000 barel per hari dalam produksi minyak shale bulan Maret. Data Baker Hughes menghitung data dari perkiraan kenaikan output lebih banyak lagi di depan. Kemarin kami menyebutkan bahwa Dow akan segera mengalami hambatan di atas kepala. Pada grafik di atas, Anda dapat melihat bahwa kemungkinan akan mengalami hambatan di puncak hari esok. Sementara kita mengharapkan Dow naik lagi besok, kita sangat menyadari bahwa mungkin ada beberapa kemunduran di penghujung hari ini. Ini tidak berarti Anda harus meninggalkan semua posisi Anda. Saham yang kuat sering terus melonjak di depan bahkan sementara Dow, SampP 500, dan Nasdaq semuanya menurun. Stok lemah akan rentan terhadap penurunan pasar. Besok, bagaimanapun, pasar cenderung kuat, setidaknya pada dini hari. Kemungkinan bahwa setelah minggu ini akan ada pergerakan sideways di pasar saat konsolidasi. Dow mungkin terus bergerak di atas garis putus-putus hitam yang mulai turun. Jika ya, itu akan menjadi tanda kekuatan tak terduga. Ini berarti bahwa investor jauh dari pemikiran bahwa Trumps mengusulkan perubahan sudah diperhitungkan dalam harga. Sebuah perlambatan biasanya diperkirakan setelah Dow mencapai garis putus-putus. Apakah pasar lemah atau kuat, selalu ada peluang untuk mendapatkan keuntungan di pasar. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh saham yang mengalami lonjakan baru-baru ini. Hanya karena mereka telah memiliki uang muka tidak berarti bahwa uang muka mereka telah berakhir. Jika ada yang baru saja menolak, mereka mungkin saja menawarkan titik masuk yang lebih baik. Ada orang yang tahu bagaimana memanfaatkan situatons semacam itu. Kami tidak membuat rekomendasi mengenai saham ini. Kami hanya ingin meyakinkan Anda bahwa ada banyak peluang di pasar. Saham berikut diambil dari daftar 15 daftar pelanggan HotStock yang paling bawah. Informasi tentang lis t. Yyyy Dow telah meningkat. Namun, pada suatu hari, acara berita bisa menyebabkan pembalikan. Untuk mendapatkan perbaikan yang lebih baik pada sentimen yang berlaku pada hari Senin, pantau aksi Dow relatif terhadap Key Intraday Levels berikut yang dihitung oleh PAL. Tingkat Intraday Key Bullish untuk ditonton Senin adalah 20.836. Tingkat Intraday Bearish Kunci untuk dipantau adalah 20.807,82. Jika Dow berada di atas level Key Bullish (atau di bawah level Key Bearish) selama lebih dari 30 menit pada jam pertama perdagangan, maka akan memiliki probabilitas 80 untuk menutup lebih tinggi (atau lebih rendah) untuk hari ini. Probabilitas ini berasumsi tidak ada berita yang mengubah sentimen investor antara sekarang dan yang tutup pada hari Senin. Untuk hari Senin, jika aksi Dow terhadap Level Intraday di atas mengindikasikan penutupan yang lebih tinggi, skenario probabilitas tertinggi adalah bahwa ia akan berada di kisaran antara 20,822 dan 20,972. Jika aksi menunjukkan penutupan yang lebih rendah, skenario probabilitas tertinggi adalah bahwa ia akan menutup di kisaran antara 20,672 dan 20,822. Ada kemungkinan 30 bahwa Dow akan bergerak lebih tinggi dari atau lebih rendah dari kisaran yang diberikan, tapi jika itu terjadi, kemungkinan besar akan menjadi hasil acara berita. Ada hambatan overhead yang sangat lemah sekitar 20.835. Juga untuk hari Senin, ada support di 20.619 dan di 20.317. Tingkat ini merupakan tambahan dari setiap resistensi atau dukungan yang diilustrasikan dalam tabel. Sinyal amp Outlook: 1.) Sinyal jangka pendek terakhir untuk Dow adalah sinyal beli. Jangka pendek, lingkungan pasar memberikan beberapa dukungan untuk investasi saham Dow. Alignments sangat bullish. 2.) Sinyal jangka menengah terakhir untuk Dow adalah sinyal beli. Untuk cakrawala waktu ini, pasar mendukung saham Dow dalam konfigurasi penyiapan yang baik. 3.) Sinyal jangka panjang terakhir untuk Dow adalah sinyal beli. Untuk kerangka waktu investasi ini, pasar pada umumnya mendukung investasi di saham Dow dalam konfigurasi penyiapan yang baik. Gradien Tekanan Grup atau Force of Trend untuk saham blue chip adalah 54,47 pada skala mulai dari -100 sampai 100. Ini adalah gradien tekanan bullish yang cukup kuat. Posisi beli harus mendapat dorongan moderat hingga kuat dari lingkungan grup. Tekanan internal kelompok akan cenderung mendukung posisi bullish dalam saham berkualitas tinggi (blue-chip). Artinya, tekanan yang ada dalam kelompok kemungkinan akan menambah momentum pergerakan saham (di luar momentum momentum saham apa pun tanpa pengaruh lingkungan kelompok). Ini adalah lingkungan yang baik untuk membeli saham dengan kualitas terbaik. Namun, ini adalah lingkungan yang sulit bagi para short-seller. (Kunci untuk Pembacaan Tekanan Grup: 0 sampai 28 gradien tekanan rendah 28 sampai 42 gradien tekanan moderat 42 sampai 57 gradien tekanan yang cukup kuat 57 sampai 71 gradien tekanan kuat 71 sampai 85 gradien tekanan sangat kuat 85 tekanan sangat kuat Gradien). R. C. Allen bergerak rata-rata keselarasan untuk Dow hari ini adalah sebagai berikut. Rata-rata pergerakan 4 hari di atas rata-rata pergerakan 9 hari, dan rata-rata pergerakan 4 hari meningkat. Rata-rata pergerakan 9 hari meningkat. Rata-rata pergerakan 18 hari meningkat. Rata-rata pergerakan 9 hari di atas rata-rata pergerakan 18 hari. Ini adalah konfigurasi bullish. Jika rata-rata 9 hari jatuh cukup untuk menyeberang di bawah MA 18-hari, itu akan menjadi sinyal jual menurut R. C. Allen (dengan asumsi rata-rata pergerakan 4 hari di bawah rata-rata pergerakan 9 hari saat itu terjadi). Komentar: Alignments sangat bullish. Karena itu, skenario itu tidak akan segera terjadi. Konteks di atas adalah bahwa selama 14 hari terakhir rata-rata pergerakan 50 hari Dow naik (1.6635). Catatan: Kami ditanya apakah kami memiliki alasan khusus untuk mengomentari R. C. Sistem allens Kami referensi R. C. Allen sistem karena itu adalah sistem yang populer di mana banyak pengunjung kami memiliki minat. Kami menggunakan disiplin desain kami sendiri. Lihat juga halaman QampA Item 10. Lihat Group Pressure Gradient Lihat Diskusi Tingkat Intraday Kunci Tingkat Pivot Amp Level Untuk NYSE dan SampP 500 Jumlah total masalah yang diperdagangkan di NYSE adalah 3067. Dari jumlah tersebut, 1535 meningkat, atau 50,04 dari total. Itu adalah perubahan dari -2.04. Ada 1388 isu yang mengalami penurunan, atau 45,25 dari total, terjadi perubahan sebesar 2,13. Total volume saham yang diperdagangkan di NYSE naik 0,81. Persentase saham SampP500 yang menguat adalah 63,69. Persentase saham SampP500 yang turun adalah 36,31. Kenaikan rata-rata kenaikan saham di SampP500 adalah sebesar .57. Hilangnya rata-rata penurunan stok di SampP500 adalah -.32. Chaiken Money Flow dan AD Oscillator Bagan kiri di atas adalah indikator Aliran Uang Chaiken. Ini mencoba untuk mengukur uang yang mengalir masuk dan keluar dari sebuah keamanan. Pergerakan uang masuk atau keluar dari pasar bisa memberi kita petunjuk tentang makna pergerakan harga. Carilah divergensi antara indikator Aliran Uang Chaiken dan tindakan harga. Untuk tujuan perbandingan, kami telah menempatkan grafik garis Dow (abu-abu terang) pada tabel. Jika harga bergerak lebih tinggi dan indikator Chaikens Money Flow bergerak lebih rendah, kenaikan harga tidak didukung oleh arus masuk uang, dan reli kemungkinan akan berumur pendek. Jika indikator Aliran Uang Chaikens adalah antara nol dan 0,10 (0 ditandai dengan garis hitam horizontal solid dan 0,10 ditandai oleh garis horisontal horizontal putus-putus), maka diperkirakan akan mencerminkan pembelian yang lemah dan tidak terlalu bullish. Namun, pembacaan Aliran Uang Chaiken di atas .10 adalah bullish. Jika Aliran Uang Chaikens ada di antara nol dan -.10 (garis hitam horisontal yang paling rendah), maka itu dianggap penjualan lemah dan ini tidak terlalu bearish. Bacaan di bawah -10 biasanya dianggap bearish. Pembacaan 0,20 adalah bullish (-20 adalah bearish), dan level ini ditandai dengan garis hijau putus-putus. Angka di atas 0,25 (garis horizontal horizontal atas) sangat bullish dan mengindikasikan harga yang lebih tinggi mungkin ke depan. Bacaan di bawah -.25 (garis horizontal biru terendah) sangat bearish dan mengindikasikan bahwa harga yang lebih rendah kemungkinan akan terdepan. Perlu diketahui bagaimana arus uang sering mendahului aksi harga. Namun, arus uang dan aksi harga terkadang menyimpang. Bila itu terjadi, jangan percaya bahwa aksi harga saham Dow saat ini akan berlanjut. Ketika uang terus mengalir ke Dow, mengharapkan uang muka. Chaiken AdvanceDecline Oscillator ada di sebelah kanan. Ini menggunakan data yang sama yang digunakan dalam baris akumulasi akumulasi. Namun, hal itu diciptakan dengan mengurangi rata-rata pergerakan eksponensial 10 hari dari garis akumulasi akumulasi dari rata-rata pergerakan eksponensial 3-hari dari garis akumulasi akumulasi. Premis untuk Chaiken AdvanceDecline Oscillator adalah bahwa kenaikan harga yang sehat disertai dengan akumulasi volume yang kuat (Chaiken Oscillator yang meningkat). Ini adalah indikasi positif jika Chaiken Oscillator turun sementara Dow turun (volume tidak mendukung penurunan). Karena volume menggerakkan demonstrasi, volume yang tertinggal saat rapat umum merupakan tanda kelemahan (rally rendah bahan bakar). Chaiken Oscillator dirancang untuk menunjukkan arus volume ke dan dari saham (Dow dalam kasus ini). Perbandingan volume ini mengalir ke tindakan Dows dapat membantu mengidentifikasi atasan dan bagian bawahnya. Untuk tujuan perbandingan, kami telah menempatkan grafik garis Dow (abu-abu terang) pada tabel. Carilah divergensi. Ketika harga mencapai tingkat tinggi atau rendah baru, terutama pada tingkat overbought atau oversold (lihat osilator stokastik), dan Chaiken Oscillator gagal membuat arah tinggi atau rendah baru dan kemudian berbalik arah, ini adalah peringatan bahwa arah harga cenderung ke perubahan. Penggunaan lainnya adalah melihat perubahan arah Chaiken Oscillator sebagai sinyal beli atau jual, namun hanya ke arah tren. Misalnya, jika Dow berada di atas rata-rata pergerakan 50 hari yang meningkat, maka kenaikan di Chaiken Oscillator saat berada di wilayah negatif akan menjadi sinyal beli, terutama saat Dow berada sangat dekat dengan rata-rata pergerakan 50 hari. Skala tidak ditampilkan karena tidak perlu. Yang penting adalah pergerakan (tinggi, rendah, dan arah) indikator (garis merah) relatif terhadap Dow (garis abu-abu terang). Dukungan dan Ketahanan Anda mungkin bertanya-tanya mengapa kita selalu berbicara tentang perlawanan dan dukungan. Faktanya adalah bahwa tidak ada yang tahu apa yang akan dilakukan pasar selanjutnya. Namun, mengetahui lokasi dukungan dan perlawanan bisa sangat membantu penentuan posisi taktis, terlepas dari apa yang pasar lakukan. Ini adalah informasi yang paling penting, berguna, dan dapat diandalkan yang dapat dimiliki oleh seorang pedagang emas. Misalnya, menempatkan stop loss di bawah support dapat meminimalkan kerugian jika pasar bekerja melawan suatu posisi. Pengurangan risiko tersebut dapat memungkinkan seseorang untuk mengambil posisi saat hal itu tidak disarankan. Stop order untuk membeli yang ditempatkan tepat di atas resistance dapat memungkinkan seseorang untuk mengambil posisi pada awal breakout dengan resiko minimal dan tanpa memerlukan monitoring yang konstan. Juga, pengetahuan tentang kekuatan dan lokasi dukungan atau hambatan dapat menjadi bantuan dalam memperkirakan probabilitas yang terkait dengan pergerakan pasar selanjutnya, atau seberapa jauh kemungkinan untuk dapat berlanjut ke arah tertentu. Kelompok Tekanan Gradien Perbandingan Kelompok Tekanan Gradien Pasar memiliki efek pada saham yang analog dengan pengaruh arus udara pada sebuah pesawat terbang. Semakin besar kecepatan angin, semakin sulit bagi sebuah pesawat menuju angin untuk membuat kemajuan. Namun, sebuah pesawat yang bergerak ke arah angin akan merasa jauh lebih mudah untuk membuat kemajuan dan untuk mendapatkan kecepatan. Sebuah pesawat terbang memiliki kekuatan pendorong tersendiri, namun lingkungan pesawat menggunakan kekuatan eksternal di pesawat. Likewise, shares have their own motion based on supplydemand considerations pertaining to those shares, but the environment in which the shares exist exerts forces on the shares that are unrelated to the merits of specific shares within that environment. We refer to this force as the Group Pressure Gradient, and we sometimes refer to it as the Force of Trend. A Group Pressure Gradient (or Force of Trend) reading near zero might be compared to flying on a windless or near windless day, and a reading of 28 might be compared to flying with a gentle to moderate tail wind. To continue the analogy, a reading of 28 to 57 might be compared to flying with a moderate to strong tail wind, while a reading of 57 to 85 would be like flying with strong winds to gale level tail winds. Negative readings would reverse the above comparisons. Of course the analogy is not perfect because a pilot would not want to fly in gale winds, but we certainly would not mind investing in shares when the market is registering 57 to100 on the pressure gradient scale. The scale ranges from -100 to 100. The Group Pressure Gradient has both magnitude and direction. Hence, it is a vector. A river or stream has many currents, cross-currents, counter-currents, eddies, and minor whirlpools. If a person wants to know what the pressure gradients are in a stream, he must select a specific spot in the stream to conduct his measurements. The same thing applies to pressure gradients in the stock market. To measure a pressure gradient, it is necessary to select a specific group of stocks within the market. We are currently calculating this indicator for three groups of stocks: large-cap blue-chips, stocks listed on the Nasdaq, and stocks that make up the SampP500 index (the last time we checked, the SampP500 consisted of 50.8 mid-cap, 45.4 large-cap, and the rest were small-cap). Measurements are not made for individual stocks in isolation. It is the general environment of the stocks in these groups that is being measured. Please be aware that some big-cap blue-chip stocks are in the Dow, in the SampP500, and on the Nasdaq. Each grouping has its own group pressure gradient. Therefore, in such cases, it is best consider each environment but give the strongest weighting to that of the Dow (because the Dow has the greatest relative concentration of investors in blue-chips who also represent the biggest relative concentration of big money). If you are not investing in blue-chips, then you might give more weighting to the SampP 500. If you are investing in a portfolio of technology stocks, then give emphasis to the reading for the Nasdaq. Usually the groups have similar readings, but sometimes they are quite different. It is also important to understand that an index (like the SampP500) may rise on a given day while the pressure gradient of the group of stocks that define the index is still negative. Individual stocks within a group can surge (because of a news event, for example), even when there is a negative pressure gradient. The indicator is extremely sensitive and can change dramatically from day to day. It might be best to think of it as measuring the current status of the pressure gradient. Earlier, we gave the analogy of an airplane flying with or against the wind. Bear in mind that air currents are constantly shifting in direction and intensity. An airplane often encounters gusts of wind. Similarly, this indicator will occasionally have gusts and reversals. In other words, the indicator can sometimes be volatile on a daily basis. After observing it for a few days, a general pattern may emerge. It may become evident that the indicator tends to show pressures more often in one direction than in the opposite direction. The pressure gradients can become progressively stronger or weaker. This can be very helpful information for short-term to intermediate-term investors. The current reading can also be very helpful in the timing of entry points. While pivot points tend to have relevance only for a single day, this indicators measurements can have relevance for many days, depending on market conditions. While it is possible to smooth the readings (make them less volatile), doing so would reduce sensitivity. This indicator is new (first introduced on 6315). After people have had some experience using it awhile, if the majority would prefer less sensitivity, we can modify it to accomplish that. We wanted to make the indicator sensitive initially because we tend to prefer it that way. Computational details are proprietary. A pivot point is a price level that is used by traders as a predictive indicator of market movement. A pivot point and the associated support and resistance levels are often turning points for the direction of price movement in a market. Prices tend to swing between two levels. For example, if a price is right at the first level of support (quotSupport 1quot), the probability is that it will move back toward the quotpivot pointquot These levels are very weak, and have most relevance for intraday action. In an up-trending market, the resistance levels may represent a ceiling level in price above which the uptrend is no longer sustainable and a reversal may occur. In a declining market, the support levels may represent a low price level of stability or a resistance to further decline. Pivot points were originally used by floor traders in setting key levels. Before the market opened, floor traders would calculate the pivot points for the day. With these pivot points as the base, additional calculations were used to set support 1, support 2, resistance 1 and resistance 2. These levels could then be used as trading aids throughout the day. The resistance levels are where sellers are likely to enter the market, depressing prices. Therefore, it is significant if a stock can push its way through the selling pressure. It takes buying demand to push shares higher through levels at which sellers are waiting. Likewise, the support levels are where buyers are likely to enter the market, exerting upside pressure on prices. Therefore, it is significant if a stock declines through the buying pressure. It takes significant share selling for shares to continue dropping, even through levels at which buyers are waiting. Wendy39s Trading Result Long ago we proved to our own satisfaction (by trading with real money) that to obtain gains of more than 50 a year it is not necessary to invest in options, currencies, or commodities. It can be done simply by buying and selling stock. All you need is a good discipline (and that you actually follow your discipline). That is what this site is all about. We do not make a practice of revealing the performance of company traders. There is little reason to do so, and it is nobody39s business but our own. However, Wendy has given permission for us to share her performance on a one-time basis. That means by the time you read this, the performance date may be long past. That cannot be avoided without regular updates, and this is a one-time report. After brokerage fees, her net return for the year (2009) was 58. All she did to obtain this return was to buy and sell stocks in a very bad market. She simply cut losses quickly, focused on good setups, and looked for trigger events. When it was time to sell, she did not talk herself out of it or quotarguequot with the evidence. She also did not sit quotgluedquot in front of her computer. She entered her trades and set her stop losses. Often, the only time she could check her positions was long after the market closed. She did not have to agonize about margined positions held overnight because they were not part of her discipline. It might also be worth mentioning that to optimize liquidity, to minimize the spread between bid and ask, and for risk-control reasons, Wendy prefers to avoid stocks that trade for less than 5. Most of the stocks she trades are followed in The Valuator. Wendy is a very private person who does not want to report her returns every year, so there is no plan to update this performance in future years. This report was posted shortly after the data was available, and it will be left here for future visitors. Please be aware that she did have major distractions during this year that almost certainly got in the way of her achieving a significantly greater return. In other words, this was by no means the best she could do. However, she allowed us to reveal her performance anyway in order to encourage others and to show that returns above 50 are achievable (even under less than ideal conditions). The discipline used by Wendy is extremely low in risk, much lower than the risk assumed by the average mutual fund investor or the buy-and-hold investor in individual stocks. Yes, she could have achieved a much higher return if she had kept her positions highly leveraged. She does not wish to take that route. Greed destroys discipline. Here is a little known fact worth considering. 80 of the people who fully leverage their investments in the futures markets eventually lose all their money. Some people do well in the futures markets. The same can be said for some who trade penny stocks and currencies. However, it is not the use of leverage that makes a winner, but the use of a good discipline. Too many people don39t get that fact. The discipline used to achieve the above return is our own creation. We do not make it available to the public as part of any service or training program. In other words, we are not providing this performance information to solicit your enrollment in any kind of program. It is provided only to encourage people to be diligent in the development of their own discipline. For more on Wendy, read Question 10 on the QampA page. We will leave this report here to encourage others who may be wondering if working at developing a discipline is worth the effort. These systems cover different investment time-horizons. Each system uses two moving averages, with the exception of the R. C. Allen system, which uses three averages. If the short moving average (MA) is above the long MA, the configuration is considered to be quotBullishquot because the current momentum has taken a more positive aspect relative to the longer MA. A bullish pattern is indicated by an up arrow . . If the short MA is below the long MA, the configuration is quotBearishquot in its implications. A bearish pattern is indicated by a down arrow . Thus, the direction of the arrow indicates the direction of the last crossover event. When a signal is generated, the word quotBuyquot or quotSellquot will appear. These signs are not recommendations. They merely indicate the crossover event (the short MA has just crossed the longer MA), indicating a change from a bullish to bearish outlook or from a bearish to bullish outlook. When the signal is generated, there will be a quot quot at the right of the word quotBuyquot or quotSellquot to draw your attention to the event. The red arrow will display for only the day on which it is generated. The following day the arrow will be gone when the table is updated, and the up arrow or down arrow will replace the word quotBuyquot or quotSell. quot The down arrows are shifted to the right to make it easier to spot the difference at a glance. The table should be of interest to short-term, intermediate-term, and long-term investors. For example, when the outlook for the SampP 500, Dow, or the Nasdaq Composite Index is quotBullish, quot the general trend of the Index is supporting bullish positions in those and stocks similar to those in the indexes. Also, some people may use the signals of one of the following systems to time entries and exits for their Index-tracking ETFs. That is, these signals may be of use in timing when to be in and when to be out of the market, based on the preferred system or investment time-horizon. Stocks In The Dow The following charts cover the last 9 months. The red line in each is the 50-day moving average. Because there are so many stocks in a small space, we have not included the names of the companies. However, the symbol for each is in the lower right corner of each chart. The closing price for each is in a box on the right side of the chart. The charts are intended to give you a quick overview of the Dow stocks and an idea of which industries may be doing well or poorly. You can get a close-up of these charts by pressing the quotCtrlquot key and the quotquot key at the same time (pressing the quot-quot key will shrink the image). Most of the items in the table below the charts are self-explanatory. The quotUp Volumequot entry is the percentage of the total volume that is associated with an advance. Therefore, quotUp Volume 65quot means that 65 of the total volume of the Dow stocks was up volume and 35 of the total was down volume. Note, also, that in the lower right-hand corner of the table the Tick and TRIN are indicated for the NYSE. TRIN is (The number of advancing stocksThe number of declining stocks)(The composite volume of advancing stocksThe composite volume of declining stocks). A reading above 1.00 is bearish, a reading below 1.00 is bullish and a reading of 1.00 indicates a balanced market. The more the TRIN deviates from 1.00, the greater the contrast in force between buying and selling on that day. A reading that exceeds 3.00 is interpreted as indicating an oversold market and that bearish sentiment is overdone. A reading below 0.50 is interpreted as indicating an overbought market and that bullish sentiment is overdone. The figure may vary a little with different publishers depending on when the calculation is made. Data often keeps trickling in after the market39s quotofficialquot close. Tick is the difference between the number of stocks that closed higher than their previous trade (i. e. closed on an uptick) and the number of stocks that had closing prices lower than their previous trade (i. e. closed on a downtick). A closing tick is thought to indicate strength or weakness in the broad market. Because buying at the close generally indicates market strength, a series of positive closing ticks indicates bullishness, and a series of negative closing ticks indicates bearishness. The most widely watched closing tick is that of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Chande Momentum, Stochastic Oscillator, Relative Strength, CCI, amp Demand Index for the Dow, Nasdaq, and SampP500 Traders and investors are advised to make frequent reference to the following charts and their explanations until the meanings of the charts are immediately apparent with only a glance. At the beginning of the day, make it a regular practice to perform a market review by checking the status of each indicator. At some times the charts evolve slowly. Even when the charts are evolving very slowly from one day to the next, however, the daily review will help anchor in your mind the market environment and the general context for your tradinginvesting decisions. A daily review will also help you to become sensitive to evolving market setups and signals. There are times when one or more charts will alert the careful observer to a significant change in the market that calls for a change in approach. Also, the charts do not always change slowly. The point we are making bears emphasis. You should always develop your strategy for the day only after evaluating the general status of the market and the context it gives for any trading plans you may devise. These charts are updated daily. Below the charts is a set of blue links. Each link will take you to an explanation of a chart. At the end of the explanation is a blue link that will take you back to the charts . The M arket B ias I ndictor (MBI) is useful in evaluating the general status of the market and the nature of any investment strategy shifts that may be necessary to adjust to the prevailing market environment. For example, when the market has a negative bias (as shown by the Market Bias Indicator), it might be wise to move to cash, switch to a fund that goes up while the market goes down, place stop-loss orders on all positions, or to be extra cautious about taking new positions. When the Market Bias Indicator says the market is favoring buyers, it is not as likely to punish investor aggressiveness (equity growth is expected). If the black line of the Market Bias Indicator (the indicator line) is above the blue horizontal line, we believe the market is favoring buyers. Here, the Market Bias Indicator is bullish (it is probably okay to hold our positions or to take new ones). In this market environment, ignore the broken red line unless you are an aggressive trader. If you are an aggressive trader, while the black line is in positive territory, a move above (or below) the red broken line is a buy (or sell) signal respectively. A rising (or falling) green line must confirm either of these signals before action is taken. The green line is the confirmation-line of the indicator. If the black line falls below the horizontal line, we believe the market is favoring sellers. That is, extra caution is in order. The Market Bias Indicator (MBI) suggests a sale attitude only if the green line is declining while the black line is in negative territory (below the horizontal line). While the black line is in negative territory, a move above (or below) the red broken line is a buy (or sell) signal respectively. Again, a rising (or falling) green line must confirm either of these signals before action is taken. The green line will shift its position over time (appearing higher or lower relative to the other lines and the horizontal line). However, the shape of the green line will not change. The relative placement of this line is not relevant. Only its direction is important. The Market Bias Indicator is sensitive. For example, when we focused it on the Dow back in the 1980s, it was able to give a sell signal two days before the meltdown in 1987. Though it is sensitive, it avoids whipsaws better than most indicators. While there are numbers that determine line placement in this chart, this indicator was intended from the beginning to be a visual indicator only. The story is told by position above or below the horizontal line, not by the exact numbers for the distances. It does not add any more useful information to know that one day it is 25 points above the line and the next day it is 15 points above the line. We can visually determine that it is closer to the line and estimate its rate of approach. The same thing applies to each of the lines in the indicator. Which ones are above or below which others and which direction are they headed are the important issues rather than the quantitative readings for each. We want people to be able to glance at the chart and see a picture that tells them all they need to know. We do not even look at the numbers ourselves when we use the indicator. If we ever decide to place the indicator in the public domain, it will be necessary to divulge the equations used and the data needed. However, the indicator is available nowhere else on the planet, and that serves our purpose at this time. Systems and strategies tend to lose their power when they are widely disseminated. All indicators, including this one, should be used in conjunction with other methods of analysis. Bear in mind that an MBI buy or sell signal is not necessarily a buy or sell signal for individual stocks in your portfolio. These signals are merely indicators of market bias. Individual stocks should always be bought or sold on the basis of their own merit or lack thereof. Back to charts The MACD ( M oving A verage C onvergence D ivergence) is a popular buysell indicator. Here it is applied to the broad market (NYSE) because it includes all the stocks on the NYSE rather than just those in the Dow or the SampP500. The MACD is the dark blue line. The trigger line is the dotted red line. The latest reading is in the top left corner of the chart (blue). The basic MACD rule is to sell when the MACD falls below the broken signal line and buy when it rises above its signal line. A crossing of the zero line is a confirmation of the signal. The MACD can give buysell indications in three ways: signal line crossovers (the indicator is bullish if it is above its broken signal line and bearish if it is below this line), overbought and oversold conditions (the MACD is in an OverboughtOversold range when it pulls dramatically away from the broken line when this occurs, it is likely that the market is overextending and will soon reverse direction), and divergences (a bearish divergence occurs when the MACD is making new lows while the market (as measured by the SampP500, or NYSE) fails to reach new lows bullish divergence occurs when the MACD is making new highs while the market fails to reach new highs (these divergences are most significant if the market is overbought or oversold). Though divergences can be used as an indicator of a potential trend reversal they can also be used as an indicator of a trend continuation. When there is an uptrend, a reverse divergence (or hidden bullish divergence) occurs when price is making a h igher low, but the oscillator is indicating a lower low. This suggests that the current uptrend is likely to continue. In a downtrend, a reverse divergence (or hidden bearish divergence) occurs when price makes a lower high, but the oscillator is indicating a higher high. This suggests that the current downtrend is likely to continue. Back to charts The Interest Rate Spread chart shows the pattern of change in the spread between short-term and long-term Interest rates over recent months. The last reading (multiplied by 10) is inserted in the scale on the right side of the chart in a yellow box. Simply move the decimal point one place to the left to get the current reading. When the spread between short-term rates and long-term rates is 1.3 to 2 (short-term lower than long-term), the economy is thought to be in for a normal growth rate in the vicinity of 2 to 3. If the difference is more than that, it is probably because the Central Bank is making money more easily available and the economy will likely undergo accelerated growth. When companies can get cheap money, they can more easily afford to invest in projects, facilities, and equipment that will expand business or improve operations. If the interest rate spread is negative (short-term money more expensive than long-term money, then money is being made more difficult to obtain by the Central Banks (they are attempting to reduce the rate of inflation). This will, of course, slow down the amount of capital investment made by companies. Economic expansion will be mitigated. If the spread is a negative 1.5 (or even more), then the probability is 70 that economic recession will occur within a year. This information can be the basis for some general guidelines. If the spread is negative, make stop losses hug price action more snugly and use other techniques you may be aware of to guard or enhance assets in the event of market decline. If the short-term rate is enough higher that the interest rate spread is -1 or more, cash might be your best option. If the chart indicates that the current spread is .76, then the current spread is a little more than frac34 of 1. The fact that the number is positive (the line is above zero) means the long-term rates are greater than the short-term rates. If the number is negative (the line is below zero) it means the short-term rates are greater than the long-term rates. a.) If the spread is negative, tighten stops or take other protective measures. b.) If short-term rates are 1 or more higher than long-term rates, cash might be a more appropriate investment (Remember that the bear market that began in 2000 started under these conditions). c.) When the spread between short-term and long-term money is less than 1, higher-quality growth stocks are better candidates. d.) When short-term money costs 1 to 3 less than long-term money, stocks are generally even more likely to be profitable. A greater variety of stocks will advance in valuations. e.) If the spread is more than 3, assume that inflation is just around the corner. Back to charts The Stochastic Oscillator chart above is referencing the NYSE Composite Index. This Index includes all stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange. The Stochastic Oscillator is a short-term indicator. It can be helpful in estimating when a security (or index) is likely to change its direction in the near future. Most technicians consider it a quotbuyquot signal when the Stochastic Oscillator falls below 20 (a few technicians use 30) and then moves above that level, and a quotsellquot signal when the Stochastic Oscillator rises above 80 (a few technicians use 70) and then falls below that level. The Stochastic Oscillator can remain above 80 (or below 20) for prolonged periods while the stock or index continues moving to higher (or lower) levels. If the stock (or market) is non-trending (moving sideways confined within upper and lower parallel boundaries), then trades based on overbought or oversold levels should produce the best results. However, if the market is trending upwards or downwards, then the Stochastic Oscillator can be used to enter trades in the direction of the trend. There are also more aggressive traders who consider it a quotbuyquot signal when the blue line rises above the dotted line and a quotsellquot signal when it falls below it. Also, look for divergences. When the market is making a series of new highs and the Stochastic Oscillator is failing to surpass its previous highs, the oscillator is giving us a warning signal. The Chande Momentum Oscillator is in the same chart. The use of the Chande Momentum Oscillator (CMO) is similar to that of the Relative Strength Index (RSI). However, the Chande Momentum Oscillator measures momentum directly by combining data for both up and down days in the numerator of its equation (the RSI uses up days only in its numerator). In addition, the Chande Momentum Oscillator or CMO does not have any built-in smoothing that would obscure very short-term momentum extremes (the RSI has smoothing and tends to obscure these details). The black solid line is the zero line. The dashed horizontal lines in the chart mark the -50 and 50 levels of the indicator. The Chande Momentum Oscillator indicates overbought (50) and oversold (-50) conditions. For example, at -50 the downside momentum is 3 times the upside momentum, and at 50 the upside momentum is 3 times the downside momentum. These levels are extreme and tend to be followed by a reversal of the Index (though the reversal may not be immediate). The Chande Momentum Oscillator can also be used to measure the degree to which the market is trending. The more extreme the CMO, the stronger the trend. A low CMO reading close to quot0quot indicates the market is neutral or in a sideways trading range. The Chande Momentum Oscillator can help establish entry and exit points when used in conjunction with a trend-following indicator, such as a movng average. For example, if a moving average has turned positive, you could enter the market when the Chande Momentum Oscillator is advancing (the CMO, unlike a moving average, does not lag the market) and exit when it moves lower or when the moving average gives a sell signal. The moving average can be used to define a buy or sell bias, and the CMO can function as your quottrigger. quot Finally, look for divergences between the action of the Index and that of the CMO. For example, if the Index is making a new high (or low) and the Chande Momentum Oscillator is failing to surpass its previous high (or low), the CMO is quotanticipatingquot a reversal in the Index. The CMO in the chart is based on 10 days to increase high and low detail and enhance precision for entries and exits. The dotted black line is the 10-day simple moving average of the CMO. This line can aid in initiating a trade before the CMO crosses the zero line. For example, a person could buy when the CMO crosses above the average instead of waiting for it to cross zero. He could sell when the CMO crosses below the average. Just be aware that this approach can give premature signals. Back to charts The Commodity Channel Index (CCI) measures the deviation of a security39s price from its statistical mean. The above chart is the 20-day CCI. High readings indicate that prices are relatively high in comparison to average prices, and low readings indicate prices are relatively low in comparison to average prices. The name of this indicator is somewhat misleading, since it is not limited in its usefulness to only commodities. It can be used with any security. Traders often check the CCI to see if there is divergence between it and its underlying security. They also use it to detect overbought and oversold conditions. If the Dow is making new highs but the CCI is not, for example, then the Dow is likely to undergo a correction. The CCI usually ranges between 100 and -100. If it is above 100, the underlying security is considered to be overbought. If it is below -100, the underlying security is considered to be oversold. Lambert designed the CCI so that approximately 70 to 80 percent of CCI values would be between -100 and 100. Therefore, a move that takes the Index outside this range indicates unusual strength or weakness that can be a prelude to an extended move. Think of these levels as indicating a bullish or bearish bias. Some consider the CCI to be favoring the bulls when above zero and the bears when it is below zero. The problem with this is that depending only on a cross of the zero line to determine a bullish or bearish disposition can subject a person to many whipsaws. Requiring a move above 100 for a bullish signal and a move below -100 for a bearish signal will reduce whipsaws but result in slower entries and exits. Many traders consider this to be a small price to pay for a higher probability of being on the right side of a trade. There is much more to the CCI than this. The CCI is a powerful analytical tool. For a much more thorough discussion of the CCI (trading with it, signals, and interpretations), see Tutorial 13. Back to charts The McClellan Oscillator is a breadth-of-market indicator that is effective for interpreting short-to-intermediate-term market moves. The McClellan Summation Index is a running total of each dayrsquos McClellan Oscillator value. The Summation Index is effective for interpreting intermediate to long-term market moves. Together, they can be useful in evaluating the dynamics of the ebb and flow of the market, and in planning entry and exit points. The readings posted depend on the precise time the readings were taken. For example, after the market officially closes, stock prices may continue changing by small amounts for a short time as computer systems catch up with closing activity. Readings at the official closing time may be slightly different from those 15 minutes after the close. Thus, different sources may report slightly different readings. McClellan Oscillator readings of plusmn150 are extreme and tend to correlate well with buying and selling climaxes in the market. The McClellan Oscillator reaches these extreme values, measuring overbought and oversold conditions, in advance of market turns. It then passes through zero at or very soon after market turning points (to put this in perspective, extreme readings occur much less frequently than a pass through zero. McClellan Oscillator passes through zero tend to indicate market reversals at approximately 2 to 6 week intervals). The type of action to be taken, if any, depends on the major trend of the market (as indicated, for example, by 50 and 200-day moving averages) and on whether the move originated from an extreme reading. Thus, in the early and middle phases of a bull market emphasis might best be placed on buy signals. In a bull market, buy signals occur earlier, and positions can be taken when the McClellan Oscillator clearly moves out of its basing pattern, even if it is still negative. In a bear market, sell signals occur when the oscillator moves clearly out of a topping formation, even if it is still positive. The amplitude of the oscillations above and below zero correlates with the general volatility of the market. The oscillator shows distinct cycles (lasting 22 to 24 weeks) between significant bottoming formations. Divergence between oscillator moves and conventional market indicators forecasts an impending change in market direction. Conventional trendline theory can be applied to oscillator patterns. For example, a triple top formation in the McClellan Oscillator forecasts a termination of the preceding up-trend. The Summation Index is a relative number, depending on the day when the count begins. Therefore, on one day it might read 10,000 and the next day it might read 9,000 even though the chart shows the Index rising. In this case, the apparent discrepancy would simply be the result of the summation starting on a later day for the chart selected. You can get a better sense of what is going on by simply looking at the chart. Ask yourself questions like the following. Is the Summation Index rising or falling Are the postings far apart or close together For example, if the Summation Index is rising (or declining), it is intermediate-term bullish (bearish if declining) and the marketrsquos trend is up (down if the Summation Index is declining). If the Summation Index is declining, the first positive sign will be a slight narrowing of the gaps between postings. The second positive sign the Summation Index will give is a flattening out of the entries (this stage is sometimes skipped). The third positive sign is a reversal in direction. The final positive sign is a slight increase in the distance between postings. Some investors use the latter as a buy signal (alternatively, some may use the second posting in the new direction as an early buy signal). They view the opposite conditions as negative, culminating in a sell signal. Because of their sensitivity, the declines and advances of these indicators can appear to be much more extreme than the actual movements in the market. The above charts may take on a different appearance at times. That39s because we use several sources, and when one is late in getting the data out we may switch to another source. Some charts have the numbers 19 and 39 at the top. Those are simply the exponential moving averages used in the computations, and should be ignored. Back to charts Chaiken Relative Volatility and CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) The Chaiken Volatility Indicator is shown above on the left. It is based on the SampP100. This indicator calculates the 10-day moving average of the difference between the high and low for each day and then computes the percent rate-of-change of that moving average over the last 10 days. The premise is that a widening of the range between the daily high and low indicates an increase in volatility. Some believe that market tops are associated with an increase in volatility (because investors are expressing nervousness due to their increased internal conflict between fear and the desire for more gain). Market lows are supposed to be associated with relatively low volatility because investors have been disappointed so often that they don39t expect much. Mr. Chaiken looks at it differently. He believes that if his volatility measurement indicates there has been a significant increase in volatility over a short time that a bottom is near (because it is a 10-day measurement, it is sensitive to a panic-like selling climax). He also believes that a gradual decrease in volatility over a long time is what you should expect as a bull market ages and approaches a top. The VIX (shown above on the right) is a measurement of quotimplied riskquot and differs from the other measurement in that it is not a direct measurement of price volatility. The VIX is related to the demand for puts and calls and their prices. Traders associate readings above 45 with investor fear. At these levels, we tend to see capitulation selling. People are giving up what remains of their positive attitudes about the market. This is seen as positive because it often means the market is bottoming. A reading of 30 is associated with high volatility (there is heightened fear and uncertainty in the market). Readings in the range of 20 to 25 are usually associated with a casual nonchalance on the part of investors. Readings below 20 tend to correspond to a lack of investor quotenthusiasmquot (the market may be nearing a top). In general, the VIX tends to increase as the market declines and decrease when the market is rising. Why When the market is rising, it is believed to be less risky but more risky if it is on the way down. The light red line in the chart is the 10-day moving average. We Test Common Assumptions Of Market Participants We test assumptions commonly made by market quotgurusquot to see if they are valid. At the top of this page we explain why we use the Dow rather than the SampP500 in our analysis, even though it consists of only 30 stocks. Another example is that a lot of people who like to consider themselves expert tradersinvestors, prefer exponential moving averages over simple moving averages. It is part of the quotpopular wisdomquot of the market that exponential averages are better than simple averages because of the greater sensitivity of exponential moving averages to the most recent price behavior. However, few have really conducted more than superficial tests of the assumption that exponential is better than simple. It turns out that the very fact that they are more sensitive to recent price action can actually be detrimental. Like nearly everything else that really works in the market, the truth is counter-intuitive. We have rigorously tested the profitability of simple against exponential averages. After conducting thousands of tests on thousands of stocks in large databases using every moving average from 3 days to 200 days, and testing them over decades of market behavior, we have proven to our satisfaction that the simple moving average is just as good if not better than the exponential moving average as a signal generator (in terms of bottom line profitability). Any gain in sensitivity of an exponential average can often be more than compensated for by simply using a slightly shorter simple moving average. Often the simple moving average allows more time for momentum to build in support of a signal before the signal is actually given, and that often results in fewer whipsaws or false signals. Please do not get the wrong impression. Generally, the differences were not major, and sometimes exponential averages worked better. However, we were trying to determine which worked best most of the time on most stocks in most types of market environment. Our general observation is that being faster on the trigger is not necessarily better. Our studies confirmed the studies conducted by Merrill Lynch in 1978. Those studies showed that simple moving averages were superior to exponential moving averages. For more on the nature of our testing procedures, see our report on selling strategies (a link at the end of the report leads to a report on the Merrill Lynch study). Sell Strategy See also Item 11 at Q amp AThis site has tutorials, lists of stocks having price and volume surges, reversals, breakouts, setups, strongest 50 ETFs, stock alerts, stock scanners, ETF signals and momentum alerts. We also have, stop loss information, a Market Review, and the readings of numerous indicators. Also available are Stops and SD Stops (stop loss calculators that can adjust for volatility), StockAlerts (that finds stocks in setup patterns that often appear before a price surge, Bollinger Band squeeze breakouts, and other alert situations), and The Valuator (with its valuations, flag alerts, amp follow-ups on about 500 stocks). Take your time and browse the site. The top of the Market Review page has links to free lists. The lists focus on stocks that have high momentum . stocks that have made new highs . and stocks that have had a surge in volume . For information about the chart below and other charts, go to the S tock Market Review page. Website Directory (A Descriptive Index) Major concepts, indicators, and tools covered at this website Market ReviewStat us Market Review and Indicator Status Report. Included in the report are Interest rate spread, McClellan Oscillator, Summation Index, Market Bias, Money Flow, Stochastic Oscillator, Chaiken AdvanceDecline, Chaiken Volatility Indicator, Volatility Index, VIX, Chande Momentum Oscillator, MACD, resistances, supports. Taken together, these indicators can paint a general profile of the condition of the market and enable you to adjust your strategy in accordance with the markets near-term outlook. The charts of all the stocks in the Dow Jones Industrial Average are posted here. An R. C. Allen system perspective of the market is also here (with its buy and sell signals). Indicator Readings Latest readings for the stochastic oscillator, Chande Momentum Oscillator (CMO), Chaiken Money Flow, CCI, SAR, Interest Rate Spread, Market Volatility Index or VIX, Relative Volatility Index, and the Donchian trading system. This page also has data from some of our scanners. Earnings Reports Due Company Earnings Reports To Be Released The Next Day Market Day. This is a list of U. S. traded companies that have confirmed that they will be reporting. Charts amp Quotes This interactive chart delivers real-time data. It is not necessary to refresh the page to see the latest quote. All market data is automatically updated through the most recent trade. All major browsers on Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows are supported. Valu-Pak Get a bundle of our reports at a discounted price. View Googles Dat a This hyperlink on the Home page is a convenience link to outside information. You Can Get Historical Data, Research, SEC Filings, Analyst Estimates, Blog Posts, discussions, events, resources, and financials. Alert s Stock signals or alerts of R. C. Allens triple moving average crossover strategy. Stocks with a signal are listed. Here we scan thousands of stocks and report on those that have generated a signal. However, the lists we report are ranked in the order of the magnitude of the volume surge that occurred on the day of the alert, and only the top 30 are reported for subscribers (fewer if there are not that many generating an alert). If there are more than 30 generating an alert, up to a maximum of 30 of those are reported in the free lists provided for our visitors. If a stock that has previously generated an Up Alert with a volume surge sufficient to warrant placing it on the list we post, and then it has a subsequent Dn Alert with too small a volume surge to make the list, it will not be included on the list. That is, there may not be a follow up sell signal reported for a stock that previously generated a buy signal, even though such a signal has occurred. The buy and sell signals we post are not recommendations by us that you buy or sell anything. They are merely reports of the up or down crossovers of the moving averages specified by the R. C. Allen system. Just because a crossover has occurred for a stock does not make it a good investment. It is up to you to do your own independent research and make your own evaluation of any stock before purchasing it. PriceVolume Surge s Many websites display a list of stocks with their price changes for the day. However, we know of no sites that will provide a free list of stocks that have had a significant price surge of at least 2 and at the same time a volume surge of at least 50 associated with that price surge. Find stocks starting new trends, breakouts through overhead resistance, selling climaxes, reversal patterns, and watch list candidates. Stock Scanne r There are more than 6 stock scanners on this website. The purpose of this particular scanner is to help you find stocks that are just beginning a new trend. It scans thousands of stocks using 6 dual moving average crossover systems with a spectrum of sensitivity levels, looking for crossover events in either direction. It generates an alert for each crossover, names the stock and gives its symbol, identifies the two moving averages that have crossed, identifies the direction of the crossover, gives price and volume surge information, and provides a Relative Strength (RSI) measurement. We use dual moving average crossovers in order maintain the detection sensitivity of the scanner while avoiding the large number of meaningless signals that usually occur when those signals are generated by the crossing of the closing price and a moving average. The system is like a finely woven fishing net that is cast in the sea. Instead of catching fish, it catches most emerging trends early in their development. In addition, we include a volume surge filter that reduces the odds of a whipsaw as well as several measurements that can be used for the same purpose. Momentum Sca n Alerts focus on price momentum surges. These, especially if accompanied by volume surges, often precede a significant and sustained move. The top 50 stocks from our momentum scan are listed along with their volume momentum. Strongest ETF s We list the strongest 50 ETFs in rank order. Strategies amp ways to build an ETF portfolio based on these lists are explained. Our strength rank algorithm (the same one used by The Valuator) goes far beyond the simple RSI used at many websites. The RSI will rank many stocks highly even when they have a terrible pattern context. They may have heavy resistance nearby, the high ranking may be due to a price surge that fits within the stocks noise pattern, or the stock may have had a minor rebound within an overall downtrend that remains intact. Our strength algorithm eliminates much of the junk that the RSI thinks is so wonderful. It finds the strongest of whats available in the universe it searches. Volume Surges We have two different methods of screening for volume surges, and they are both free. The PriceVolume Surges page shows only stocks that have had a price surge of at least 2 and a volume surge of at least 50. This scanner, on the other hand, looks at volume surges without regard to price changes. Many investors are interested in such stocks because the volume surge often precedes a price surge. The greater the surge in volume, the more likely it is that price will follow. This scanner report ranks stocks by the magnitude of their volume surge. ETF Signals Our algorithms generate alerts for four moving averages (30-day, 50-day, 100-day, 150-day). In addition, alerts are generated for Donchian signals (when the 5-day moving average crosses the 20-day moving average. For example, a cross by the 5-day moving average of the closing price from below to above the 30-day moving average will result in the generation of a 30-Up alert. A cross by the 5-day moving average of the closing price from above to below the 30-day moving average will result in the generation of a 30-Dn alert. The 5-day average is used for crossovers to reduce false signals. The alerts are intended to draw attention to the fact that the crossover condition has been met. We also include an RSI measurement that can be useful in reducing the probability that a selection will whipsaw or reverse course immediately to generate the opposite signal. Strongest Stocks We find and list the strongest 225 stocks in rank order. The above link will take you to the page where examples are shown. A strategy for building a portfolio based on these lists is illustrated. The strength rank algorithm used for this service is identical to the one used for The Valuator, and it is far superior to the relatively simplistic RSI used at many websites (The RSI is a quick and easy upload from data vendors. Most website operators do very little or no original research, and very few invest time and energy in the development of screening algorithms). The RSI can rank stocks highly even if they have a terrible pattern context. Our strength algorithm finds stocks with the strongest chart patterns. Breakouts and Surges This algorithm searches for a variety of patterns. For example, it might find an inverted head-and-shoulders pattern that has just had an upside breakout through the neckline. On the other hand, it might find a stock that has just had a surge in price and volume. Sometimes a stock found will have had a breakout a week before and the current alert looks belated. However, the alert may be the result of something else (a new gap up on an increase in volume, for example) and not be related in any way to the conditions that generated the earlier alert. This is for people who are experienced at interpreting chart patterns. If you need lines drawn on a chart and patterns explained to you before you can see them, this subscription is not for you. Note s Notes to visitors and subscribers, information about the timing of website updates, new features and content changes are posted here. Free Tutorials Here is where you can find free tutorials on trading strategies, stock investment, investment strategy, systems amp tactics of buying and selling, stop-loss strategy, charts amp indicators, support amp resistance. Product Lis t First, you get a very brief description of the product and its price. If you click on More info, you get a more complete description and an image of the product. You can visit this area and poke around without apprehension. You wont be tricked into committing to a purchase without knowing it. If you do order, the place where you enter personal information is secure. Subscriber s This section of the website requires a password for entry. Subscribers to The Valuator can download a spreadsheet that can be sorted and access other information. Subscribers to StockAlerts get lists of stocks that have triggered various alert systems (they can get both up and down alerts). Stop s This tool is designed to work within an Excel environment. It automatically computes volatility-adjusted stop-losses and is easy to use. Stops includes a Lab where you can experiment with different settings to determine which settings match your risk tolerance. These experiments can help you determine how abnormal a stocks negative behavior must be (relative to its own normal behavior) before you will want to sell. The Lab charts include a red line that traces the position of the stop-loss. This line changes after you change various settings and hit the f-9 key. You simply adjust the settings until you find the volatility compensation settings that are just right for you. Enter those settings for a position and Stops will automatically compute and display volatility-adjusted stop losses for you as you enter date and price information. Place the stop order with your broker and your stock will be sold automatically if it hits that price. For those who prefer to use mental stops or stops based on closing prices, a Stop sign also appears to alert you to the fact that the computed stop loss has been triggered (just in case you hadnt noticed). Stops provides 19 ways to compute a stop loss (volatility adjusted, ATR, fixed percentages, combinations of the two) relative to recent high, low, or close. Stops makes use of formulas derived from the work of Cynthia Kase, Thomas Bulkowski (see the September 2006 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities), and Perry Kaufman (see A Short Course In Technical Trading and New Trading Systems and Methods). It does the math for you. It also includes Fibonacci calculators. Stops is described at the end of the discussion on stop losses (see the navigation tab). Give a stock just enough wiggle-room to enable it to climb with normal fluctuations, but cut losses quickly on statistically significant declines. Videos on Stops This video demonstrates volatility-adjusted stop losses, their placement, and a tool that calculates them automatically as the stock rises (see the description above). If your Firefox configuration does not play the video, try again with Internet Explorer. To leave the video without leaving the internet, click only once on the x box in the top right corner of the video display to close the video, then click on the back arrow of your browser. The Valuato r Have a good reason to buy Here are some new and powerful ways to evaluate a stock. This is an electronic market letter covering about 500 stocks, with several valuation models and fundamental amp technical measurements that are Excel spreadsheet sortable. Which stocks are the most undervalued or overvalued and by how much Which are showing the most consistent strength (measurements go far beyond RSI). The value of this measurement is hard to appreciate without seeing the charts of stocks selected by both approaches to measuring strength. This is one of the primary tools used by our traders. They buy these very strong consistent stocks on pullbacks. Which stocks generate the most analyst enthusiasm Which have the lowest PE or PEG ratio Which undervalued stocks are rising faster than most rising stocks Top-ranked stocks are listed for strength, velocity, PEG, PE, etc. with trend direction, flags, star alerts, and follow-ups. Every stock cycles between being overpriced and underpriced. The Valuator plots eight positions in this cycle and displays where each stock is in its cycle. Is the stock low and rising, overpriced and falling, high and rising, or is it at one of the five other points in its cycle as it swings up and down between being low and high then back again PEs and PEGs are not based on last years data, and they dont look ahead a full year. The first approach is absurd because last years data is obsolete and has little bearing on what the company is doing now. The latter is based on pie-in-the-sky guesses about the distant future. Analysts dont do that very well. Instead, we use earnings projections for approximately 6 months ahead and combine these with about 6 months actual recently achieved results to generate our 1-year data. This data is the basis for our PEs and PEGs. We believe it is more reliable and realistic. The market also tends to look ahead about 6 months. ATR Stop s J. Welles Wilder developed the True Range and Average True Range concepts as a means of measuring volatility, and he introduced the concepts in his book, New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems. Among other things, he used the measurements in computing his stop loss placements. ATR Stops is a stop loss computing tool designed to work within an Excel environment. It doesnt require any advanced math on the part of the user. As with Stops, you only have to enter the stocks price data and the numbers 1, 2, or 3, to tell ATR Stops how to compute the stop loss. Stop losses can be computed relative to the high, low, or closing price. Unlike Stops, all its calculations are based on the Average True Range (and how you choose to modify it). It calculates stop losses for both long and short positions. This is another tool you could use to give a stock just enough wiggle-room to enable it to climb with normal fluctuations, but cut losses quickly on statistically significant declines. ATR Stops includes a Lab where you can experiment with different settings to determine which settings match your risk tolerance. These experiments can help you determine how abnormal a stocks negative behavior must be (relative to its own normal behavior) before you will want to sell. The Lab charts include a red line that traces the position of the stop-loss. This line changes as you change various settings (after each change you must hit the f-9 key to see the change reflected in the chart). You simply adjust the settings until you find the volatility compensation settings that are just right for you. Enter those settings for a position and Stops will automatically compute and display volatility-adjusted stop losses for you as you enter date and price information. Use the above link for more on the ATR Stop loss and for alternatives currently available. Videos on The Valuator The videos make it easy to understand what The Valuator is all about in a small amount of time (see the description above and the following additional information here). The Valuator has some new and powerful ways to evaluate a stock. All stocks gyrate or swing above and below their current fair value. Is the stock low and rising, overpriced and falling, high and rising, or is it at one of the five other points in its cycle as it swings up and down between being low and high then back again Which stocks are the most undervalued or overvalued and by how much Which are showing the most consistent strength Our measurements go far beyond RSI. The value of this measurement is hard to appreciate without seeing the charts of stocks selected by both approaches to strength. This is one of the primary tools used by our traders. They buy these very strong consistent stocks on pullbacks. StockAlert s Scans thousands of stocks for various setup patterns that often precede a price increase (surge) or decline. These lists identify the stocks and the type of alert each is generating. The purpose of the alerts is to enable you to build watch lists of stocks ready for a price surge. A setup is a chart pattern that often culminates in a price surge. These illustrations should be of interest to most visitors to this site, even if they have no interest in subscribing to StockAlerts. It helps a person avoid non-performing empty slots in the portfolio. The idea is to fill those slots with stocks from the watch list when they start to make their move. Use the Stock Alerts link for a description of what triggers each alert (Gaps, Bollinger Band Squeezes, etc.). The descriptions are near the bottom of that page. Stop Loss Probabilities This is a discussion about the probability of a stop loss being triggered and the fact that you can shape volatility-adjusted stop losses to conform to your own investment time horizon and tolerance for risk. The discussion is Tutorial 24, but it is given a link here because many visitors would not know it exists otherwise. Resource Center Links to other market-focused websites, financial news magazines, in-depth analysis and commentary on the markets and on IPOs, stock investing advice, stock research, shareholder services, stock price histories, currency conversions, investment advisory firms, Initial Public Offerings, market-making services, risk management, financing services, and mortgage rates. Get information on the NYSE, Dow Jones, SampP500, Nasdaq, SampP Midcap, NASDAQ 100, Russell 2000, and the Nikkei 225 Index. Links to investor protection and education resources are included. These resources can help you learn about the law regarding securities, become aware of the rules. and avoid the scams . Click on the above Market Tips link to see the tip of the day. These Market Tips are not intended to be personal advice. They are simply ideas that some investortraders have found helpful. Nothing on this website should be interpreted to be a recommendation that you personally buy or sell any security.
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